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Charter school students participate in Lego robots workshop


Feb 1, 2015

MIDDLETOWN, Calif. – There was a happy and excited buzz in Ms. Brummel’s fourth and fifth grade room as her students at the Lake County International Charter School (LCICS) in Middletown spent two hours creating and programming Lego robots.

This free workshop was offered by the Children’s Museum of Art and Science (CMAS).

Three adult volunteers from CMAS guided students who were “stuck,” helped to find missing parts, and led a hearty round of applause when the teams of two got their robots to function successfully.

One team composed of Christian Wofford and Livia Ross was able to complete eight of the 12 possible robots during the session.

This was an all-time record for workshop participants who usually manage to complete two to four models in the two-hour time frame.

“This workshop was amazing! It was really fun,” said Christian.

This was the first workshop in which the CMAS volunteers saw two teams co-operate on one task.

One team created the “goal kicker” and another team created the “goalie.”

A wadded up paper towel served as the ball and was successfully kicked through the goal posts. Students cheered each score.

At the end of the session students sat in a circle and expressed compliments and gratitude for the opportunity to use the robot kits.

Younger students in grades second through third had a workshop after their lunch.

CMAS will schedule a free robot workshop when invited by any teacher, after school program, Scout group or other cluster of (minimum) six to eight students in Lake County.

Robots kits are appropriate for students in grades second through eighth.

Call Billy at 707-279-1514 to reserve a date.

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