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Lego robots and fun at CMAS

Lake County Record-Bee

Feb 21, 2018

CLEARLAKE >> The Community Room at the Redbud Public Library in Clearlake was buzzing with the sound of happy, engaged students on Saturday, February 10 as they worked with partners to create Lego robots.These students, ages 9-11, were able to follow directions on the computer screen to make the robot and then program it to move. Various sounds could be added for special effects as well. At one table, one set of partners made a “kicker” (a big mechanical foot) while another set of partners made a “goal keeper” (a man who could slide back and forth before the goal to block the ping pong ball from scoring). There was quite a bit of experimentation with the size of the goal posts, the size of the goalie, and the speed of the kicking foot. And of course, the crowd cheered wildly for each goal scored.At another table, students created a “man-eating alligator” and a boat which rocked back and forth while the students sang “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” into the program’s microphone.This free workshop was sponsored by the Children’s Museum of Art and Science and any student age 8- 13 is eligible to attend. The workshops are held from 10-noon on the second Saturday of the month. Students can sign up by calling Meg at 994-5115. The next workshop will be Saturday, March 10. All workshops are limited to 20 students and parents are asked to sign a permission slip when they drop off their children.

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